A Working Stiff's Guide to


Nicholas Kariniemi & Antti Holvikari

What are we doing here?

Learning PureScript

Trying PureScript

Time: 2.5 hours (short!)

Goal #1: Little talking, much coding

Goal #2: Learn basics of language and tools

Goal #3: Get a taste of web dev with PureScript

The Plan

Time: 2.5 hours

  1. Introduction to PureScript
  2. Talk: PureScript concepts, exercise intro
  3. Code: Exercise
  4. Talk: Exercise recap
  5. Call 2 (recursively). Repeat until done or out of time.
  6. Wrap-up and feedback

What is PureScript?


purely functional


compiles to "readable" JavaScript

no runtime

Why PureScript?

Functional programming at its best:


functional data transformations

strong types

Small core of broadly applicable ideas

Works well with JavaScript (both directions)

Trickle-down effect

Basic types

Basic types: Primitives

$ cd exercise1
$ npm run repl
> import Prelude

> :type 1.0

> :type 1

> :type true

> :type "test"

> :type 'a'

Basic types: Arrays

> :type [1, 2, 3]
Array Int

> :type [true, false]
Array Boolean

> :type [1, false]
Could not match type Int with Boolean.

myList :: Array Int
myList = [1, 2, 3, 4]

colors :: Array String
colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green"]

Arrays always contain only a single type

(they're homogenous)

Basic types: Records

-- A record
user :: { name :: String, id :: Int }
user = {name: "Joe", id: 1}

-- Accessing a field
log user.name

-- Setting name to "Jane"
user {name = "Jane"}

Records ~= JavaScript objects

Type synonyms

type User = { name :: String, id :: Int }

type Address =
  { street :: String
  , city   :: String
  , state  :: String

type AddressBook = Array Address

type UserId = String

type Log = Array String


Some functions

add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add x y = x + y

noEnergy :: Creep -> Boolean
noEnergy creep = C.amtCarrying creep resource_energy == 0

findProduct :: ProductId -> ProductDirectory -> Maybe Product
findProduct id directory = -- body omitted

loadConfig :: FilePath -> Aff (Either (NonEmptyList Error) Config)
loadConfig cfgFile = do
  -- body omitted

-- Calling functions:
add 1 2
noEnergy creep
findProduct id dir
loadConfig path

Functions are curried

sum :: Int -> Int -> Int
sum x y = x + y

-- Equivalent:
sum 1 3
(sum 1) 3

addTwo :: Int -> Int
addTwo = sum 2

-- addTwo 6
-- 8

-- Common pattern: dropping the last parameters
expiredSessions :: Array Session -> Array Session
expiredSessions arr = filter isExpired arr
-- can be shortened to
expiredSessions :: Array Session -> Array Session
expiredSessions = filter isExpired


Functions can take generic parameters

-- Works for any type of values in the array
length :: forall a. Array a -> Int

-- Works for many types of containers, 
length :: forall a b f. Foldable f => Semiring b => f a -> b

map :: forall a b f. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Anonymous functions

\user -> user.name

\id -> id == "teh_id"

val = Array.filter (\id -> id == "teh_id") ["an_id", "teh_id", "other_id"]

The Dollar Sign: $

"everything after goes in parentheses"

-- These are equivalent:
main = log $ "User: " <> "Foo"
main = log ("User: " <> "Foo")

-- These are equivalent:
main = log $ "User: " <> show $ 1 + 5
main = log ("User: " <> show (1 + 5))

(<> is for appending)

Libraries and the Prelude

Everything is in small libraries

WhatPackageModule to import
Basic functions and typespurescript-preludePrelude
Array functionspurescript-arraysData.Array
List functionspurescript-listsData.List
Record functionspurescript-recordData.Record
The stuff you thought would be in one of ^purescript-foldable-traversableData.Foldable
Maybe ("option type")purescript-maybeData.Maybe
Either ("result type")purescript-eitherData.Either

Libraries are in psc-package and/or Bower

Library documentation is on Pursuit


  • Your most important friend
  • One-stop shop for library documentation
  • Also links to source code
  • Bind it to a keyword search e.g. `pu`
    • Firefox: right-click on search box -> "Add a Keyword for this Search"
    • Chrome: search on Pursuit, then try enter 'pursuit[TAB]' in omnibar
  • The answer to everything is "Search Pursuit"
    • What's in the "purescript-arrays" package? -> "pu arrays"
    • What's in the "Data.Array" module? -> "pu Data.Array"
    • What type does function `filter` have? -> "pu filter"
    • What's a function with this type? -> "pu Array a -> Int"

How to cheat in PureScript

  • Just leave the type off (for top level definitions)
  • Type holes or how to make the compiler do your work
  • Typed search or how to make Pursuit do your work

Leaving the type off


doThing a b = "Doin my thing with " <> a <> ", " <> b


Warning 4 of 6:

  in module Main
  at src/Main.purs line 892, column 1 - line 892, column 54

    No type declaration was provided for the top-level declaration of doThing.
    It is good practice to provide type declarations as a form of documentation.
    The inferred type of doThing was:
      String -> String -> String

  in value declaration doThing

Type holes: Ask the compiler


sumOfList :: Int
sumOfList = ?sumThemThings [1, 2, 3, 4]


Error found:
in module Main
at src/Main.purs line 893, column 13 - line 893, column 27

  Hole 'sumThemThings' has the inferred type
    Array Int -> Int
  You could substitute the hole with one of these values:
Data.Array.length           :: forall a. Array a -> Int
Data.Foldable.length        :: forall a b f. Foldable f => Semiring b => f a -> b
Data.Foldable.product       :: forall a f. Foldable f => Semiring a => f a -> a
Data.Foldable.sum           :: forall a f. Foldable f => Semiring a => f a -> a
Data.Semiring.one           :: forall a. Semiring a => a
Data.Semiring.zero          :: forall a. Semiring a => a
Unsafe.Coerce.unsafeCoerce  :: forall a b. a -> b

in value declaration sumOfList

Type search: Ask Pursuit

Exercise #1: Types, Functions, and Hacker News

Pattern matching and ADTs

Pattern matching: functions

gcd :: Int -> Int -> Int
gcd n 0 = n
gcd 0 m = m
gcd n m = if n > m
            then gcd (n - m) m
            else gcd n (m - n)

-- With guards:
gcd :: Int -> Int -> Int
gcd n 0 = n
gcd 0 n = n
gcd n m | n > m     = gcd (n - m) m
        | otherwise = gcd n (m - n)

Pattern matching: arrays

isEmpty :: forall a. Array a -> Boolean
isEmpty [] = true
isEmpty _ = false

takeFive :: Array Int -> Int
takeFive [0, 1, a, b, _] = a * b
takeFive _ = 0

Pattern matching: records

showPerson :: { first :: String, last :: String } -> String
showPerson { first: x, last: y } = y <> ", " <> x

showPerson :: { first :: String, last :: String } -> String
showPerson { first, last } = first <> ", " <> last

-- This is equivalent to
showPerson :: { first :: String, last :: String } -> String
showPerson { first: first, last: last } = first <> ", " <> last

Pattern matching: case

isEmpty :: forall a. Array a -> Boolean
isEmpty [] = true
isEmpty _ = false

-- Or equivalently:
isEmpty :: forall a. Array a -> Boolean
isEmpty arr = case arr of
  [] -> true
  _ -> false

Algebraic Data Types

--   v--type
data Filter = ByTitle | ByDate | ByRelevance
--            ^ data constructors

--                       v-- function takes in type Filter
applyFilter :: forall a. Filter -> Array a -> Array a
applyFilter ByTitle =
applyFilter ByDate =
applyFilter ByRelevance =
--          ^ but you can pattern-match on the data constructor

ADTs with data

data Shape
  = Circle Point Number
  | Rectangle Point Number Number
  | Line Point Point
  | Text Point String

draw :: Shape -> Drawing
draw (Circle pt radius) = 
draw (Rectangle pt width height) = 
draw (Line startPt endPt) = 
draw (Text pt text) = 

Common ADTs: Maybe and Either

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
data Either a b = Left a | Right b

show :: Maybe User -> String
show (Just user) = user.firstName <> user.lastName
show Nothing = "No user!"

decodeJSON :: String -> Either ValidationErrors User

show :: Either ValidationErrors User -> String
show (Right user) = user.firstName <> user.lastName
show (Left errors) = "Errors: " <> show errors


For ADTs with one constructor that takes one type

At run time is same as underlying type

newtype PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber String
newtype UserId = UserId Int

-- ~equivalent to this, except at run time
data PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber String
data UserId = UserId Int

Exercise #2: Pattern matching and ADTs

Working with JavaScript

Working with JavaScript

Example: calling JavaScript from PureScript

          -- Main.purs (PureScript)
          foreign import pow :: Number -> Number -> Number

          // Main.js (JavaScript)
          exports.pow = function(x) {
            return function(y) {
              return Math.pow(x, y)

Example: using JS YAML parser from PureScript

          # Install JS dependency
          npm install --save js-yaml

-- PureScript
module Kubernetes.Yaml where

foreign import safeLoadImpl :: String -> Effect Foreign

data YamlError = YamlError Error

safeLoad :: String -> Either (NonEmptyList YamlError) Foreign
safeLoad str = runPure $ do
  loaded <- try (safeLoadImpl str)
  pure (bimap (pure <<< YamlError) id loaded)

// JavaScript
exports.safeLoadImpl = function(str){
  return function(){
    const yaml = require('js-yaml')
    return yaml.safeLoad(str)

Example: calling PureScript from JavaScript

-- PureScript
module FancyComponent where

toReact :: forall props. State -> Effect (ReactClass props)
toReact state = do
  app <- start
    { initialState: state
    , view
    , foldp
    , inputs: []
  renderToReact app.markup app.input

// JavaScript
const FancyComponent = PS.FancyComponent.toReact(state)()

Exercise #3: Working with JavaScript

Example from earlier:

          -- Main.purs (PureScript)
          foreign import pow :: Number -> Number -> Number

          // Main.js (JavaScript)
          exports.pow = function(x) {
            return function(y) {
              return Math.pow(x, y)

Type classes (in brief)

What is a type class?

Sort of like a Java interface

A type can have an instance for the type class (~implement the interface) and you can define functions that work generically with any value that has an instance for a type class.

Example type class: Show

Things that can be printed to a string

-- Examples (in REPL)
> show 1
> show false
> show [1,2]

-- Type class definition
class Show a where
  show :: a -> String

-- Type class instance for Boolean
instance showBoolean :: Show Boolean where
  show true = "true"
  show false = "false"

-- So you can define functions like this:
--type class constraint vvvvvv
formatMsg :: forall a. Show a => a -> String
formatMsg val = "search-service: " <> show val

Example type class: Eq

Things that can be tested for equality

E.g. Ints, Strings

-- Examples (in REPL)
> "foo" == "bar"
> 1 + 2 == 3

-- Type class definition
class Eq a where
  eq :: a -> a -> Boolean

-- Type class instance for Int
instance eqInt :: Eq Int where
  eq = refEq

-- Type class instance for String
instance eqString :: Eq String where
  eq = refEq

Why do we care about type classes?

Finnish has ~15 grammatical cases

This is a lot for a Finnish learner

But with 15 cases you can do everything

Why do we care about type classes?

PureScript has ~15 main type classes

This is a lot for a PureScript beginner

But with 15 type classes you can do everything

Type classes are core to PureScript

Type classes let you delete most of your code

You already know many of those 15 type classes

Type classes are core to PureScript

  • Much of Prelude is just type class definitions.
  • Type classes define core functionality:
    • Printing to String: Show
    • Comparing equality: Eq (==)
    • Ordering: Ord (<, <=, >, >=)
    • Boolean operators: HeytingAlgebra (||, &&, not)
    • Multiplication, addition: Semiring (*, +)
    • Subtraction: Ring (-)
    • Function composition: Semigroupoid (<<<)
    • Appending: Semigroup (<>)

Monad is a type class

Type classes define ways of piping and transforming data:

  • Transform wrapped data: Functor (map or <$>)
  • Transform wrapped data with wrapped fns: Apply (<*>)
  • Wrap up data: Applicative (pure)
  • Sequence data transformations: Bind (>>=)
  • All of the above: Monad

Exercise #4: Type classes

How Pux works

Exercise #5: Pux web application

PureScript in production

  • Intelligent network security (20k LOC, Awake Security)
  • Visual analytics for NoSQL data (Slamdata)
  • Conference session proposals (13k+ LOC, WeReview)
  • Positioning systems (3.7k LOC, BE, Swift Navigation)
  • Product packaging and supply chain (FE/small BE, Lumi)
  • Secure location services on Ethereum (all FE, FOAM)
  • Sales and social media buying (FE, CitizenNet)
  • Digital payments (all FE/BE, Android/iOS/web, JusPay)
  • WHO Violence Information knowledge platform (WHO)
  • My talk tomorrow (~900 LOC, on top of RevealJS)

Where to go from here